Tuesday, March 31, 2015


New Media has allowed me to share my artwork online across many social platforms for not only my friends to see but also the general public. I have posted my artwork across Deviantart, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. It makes it more fun to know that I can share my work and get feedback from it at the same time. These platforms has encouraged meto continuously share  my artwork and creativity online. 

I use my Wacom Intuos tablet and draw through paint programs onto the computer to create illustrations. With a tablet, I can easily draw digitally and manipulate my work through Adobe programs.

As a New Media Arts minor capstone, I created an animation with video and illustration and it was exhibited in the New Media Artspace exhibit at the Baruch library. I used Adobe Photoshop, After Affects, and Final Cut Pro to create the video.

New Media is a great way for people to expand their work digitally while gaining exposure instead of the need to print and publish work. Money is saved and views continue to increase.


  1. I really like your artwork! Always admire people who can draw mechanically and digitally. I'm not very artistic and drawing mechanically seems hard enough.

    1. Thank you very much!! Drawing mechanically is almost the same as drawing digitally so it's not so bad :). If anything painting traditionally is messier and you can't really undo your mess-ups, haha.

  2. WOW! The video was really interesting and creative. I've never imagined that New York can be the setting for animated characters like these. This is a clear example of new media working together with technology to foster creativity. I really enjoyed your artwork!

    1. Thank you!! It was a fun idea I was inspired to do from a 2 Japanese artists that collaborated together. One is an illustrator and the other is a photographer and they are amazing! You can check their project out there: http://hallucinaticgirls.tumblr.com/

  3. Hey Erica, great stuff you have there. I really enjoyed the picture and video in which you drew things into a real life setting. Its amazing how we can utilize new technologies and software to add new elements to art like you did.

  4. As everyone said, very good work, Erica!! I wish I was talented enough to draw like that. It's cool to really create something from your mind. Also a fan of the video combining your skills with photoshop, and final cut!

  5. Wow this is awesome, great work Erica!! New Media's platforms are amazing tools to share your talent.
