Monday, May 4, 2015

The Next New Thing

One type of new media that I would like to see are live collaborations between artists online through professional digital painting programs.

There have been many programs artists use to paint, such as SAI Paint Tool, Adobe Photoshop, and Open Canvas. However, I feel like there should be an extra implementation into these programs so that 2 artists friends can draw online together at the same time with professional painting tools. There has been small examples of similar ideas, such as the game "Draw my thing" from OMGPOP where people would guess what others are drawing through basic drawing tools. A closer idea would be the very first version of Open Canvas, which is free, and where artists were actually able to live paint with each other by connecting each other's IP address through the program. But there were many issues with that because not all internet providers worked well with it and many times artists could not connect at all. The idea was then dropped in the more updated versions of the painting program which was a big disappointment. 

However, if popular painting programs begin to implement these ideas, there will be a whole new era to artists social networking online while being actively interacting with their creative skills. 

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea and I can't believe there isn't anything like it. It would be cool to even just watch all these artists paint or draw live on the internet. I think something like twitch should be made only for artists so they can colaborate and show off their work.
